The Journey Continues

Since Thursday evening’s emotional phone call and abruptly quitting my job, I have been seriously stressed out and I haven’t been sleeping well.  I only got a couple hours sleep on Thursday and didn’t sleep at all Friday night causing me to watch the sunrise on Saturday.  It is major step and it has been weighing heavy on me.  I have been experiencing a flood of emotions that include anger, sorrow, fear and self doubt that have been washing over me, sometimes all at the same time.  Today I have a new determination and have a better outlook for the future.

The last couple days I have spent updating my resume, website and my profiles on Indeed and LinkedIn.  Today I spent the day at the library, because it has air conditioning, going through Indeed and submitting my resume for jobs.  I submitted two yesterday and another four today.  This may appear to be very little but I am not going to carpet-bomb businesses and grab the first one that comes along.  It may take a little longer but I don’t want to make a hasty decision.  I may have to choose a lesser paying job sooner than I wanted because of the costs of the unexpected repairs on my motorcycle last month.

Yesterday and today I have been informing former colleagues of my situation and asking them to keep an eye out for any possible jobs for me.  They have agreed to and they even passed on my resume to other people they know who will also be looking out for me.  Some great news, I have been informed that I might receive a call tomorrow of a possible job offer.  Keep our fingers crossed.  They have been very understanding and helpful.  I am shocked and honoured at how they have helped me during my time of need.  I will have to figure out how to repay them for their support.

My plans for tomorrow include trying to receive my final pay, vacation pay and record of employment from my former employer, visit Canada Services and do some more job hunting online at the library.

I still feel sorry for leaving my employer so suddenly but my supervisor’s actions were totally unacceptable.  Unfortunately he made working there impossible and I had to make that decision.  I also responded in an emotional way but I think that in the long run it may have been for the best.  Now he will know that he cannot treat people like that.

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