• Nationalist Geographic

    Impotus Americanus is one of the heaviest leaders in the animal kingdom, and is famously known to be an orange, ruddy color not found in nature.

  • Which is better: Soap or hand sanitizer?

    Dig into the science of how soap breaks down a coronavirus, and the effectiveness of hand sanitizer against a viral outbreak. Your hands, up close, are anything but smooth. With peaks and valleys, folds and rifts, there are plenty of hiding places for a virus to stick. If you then touch your face, the virus can infect you. But there are two extraordinarily simple ways you can keep that from happening: soap and water, and hand sanitizer. So which is better? Alex Rosenthal and Pall Thordarson investigate.

  • COVID-19: Is Just The Beginning. Here’s Why.

    The novel corona virus pandemic has officially destabilized our economy, our workplaces, and our homes. That’s the bad news. The worse news? It won’t be the last. In today’s video Joe Scott speaks with bestselling author David Quammen about zoonotic viruses – viruses that jump from animals to humans. Why they’re so dangerous, why we’ve been seeing more of them in recent years, and why COVID-19 will not be the last one we’ll be dealing with.

  • How the Government Botched the Coronavirus Response

    Summary from Time.com: Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, an ominous question has hung in the air: How would he handle a truly serious crisis? Now we know. The novel corona-virus pandemic has infected more than 200,000 people around the world to date and is spreading rapidly in the U.S. Experts project that COVID-19, the respiratory disease that corona-virus causes, could afflict millions worldwide and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. … The 45th President made matters worse. A few weeks after the outbreak began in China’s Hubei province in December, U.S. health officials warned Trump of the seriousness of the threat. But in his first public comments about the virus, on…

  • The Tiny Compound That Makes Soap A Coronavirus Killer

    Hand sanitizer has become a scarce commodity as Coronavirus has spread around the world. But you might be surprised to learn that plentiful, cheap soap is actually one of the most effective weapons we have against COVID-19. It all comes down to the unique chemical makeup of soap that has made it a central part of life since ancient times.

  • COVID-19

    The media is doing a poor job informing the public with accurate information on COVID-19. They bring on self-proclaimed experts that make claims that have no ground in science and sometimes are full-on lying. Also, I think they are leaning into the fear angle too hard in order to draw clicks and viewership. I believe they should uphold proper journalistic standards and stick to the facts!

  • 5 Ways William Barr is Turning America Into a Dictatorship

    William Barr was installed as Attorney General specifically to turn the Department of Justice into an arm of the Trump Coverup. And we’ve seen him do exactly that. Barr has corrupted and politicized the Department of Justice, working hand in hand with Donald Trump to bend federal law enforcement to the president’s will. Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich breaks down the myriad ways Barr is helping Trump turn our democracy into a dictatorship. Due to a large amount of spam, comments are disabled.