• Last day going to work by motorcycle.

    Today I woke up and took a look at the weather.  It was cold outside with snow on the ground and only a 20% possibility of precipitation.   This made me change yesterday’s decision and to go to work by motorcycle.  The roads were clear but it was a very cold ride.  Looking at tomorrows forecast I have decided that I will be taking public transit even if it is clear and sunny in the morning.

  • Winter Begins

    The weather forecast for tomorrow is below zero temperatures and scattered snow.  It looks like it is time to put away my motorcycle for the winter.  With snow and ice covering the roads I consider it too unsafe to be riding it.  I guess it is back to public transit until spring.

  • Why not to buy Apple products.

    The National goes undercover to investigate some of Apple’s controversial business practices including allegations of overpriced repair charges and the battery/slowdown scandal.

  • UN Laughs at Trump

    U.S. President Donald Trump’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly drew laughs from those in attendance, as he once again touted his ‘America First’ strategy. It is good that the leaders of the world can see through his bluster and rhetoric and see him for the idiot he is.

  • How not to build a computer.

    A couple of weeks ago The Verge uploaded a video to YouTube detailing how to build a $2,000 gaming computer.  This video was riddled with so many errors and inaccuracies that if you follow their instructions you can destroy your computer.  It is amazing that the video was uploaded without any editing or anyone noticing the egregious errors.  After the sever backlash from the internet they have removed the video.  If you are thinking of building your own custom built computer, take a look at the following videos and see for yourself “How not to build a computer”. Here is the article on The Verge about the PC build: https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/13/17828092/gaming-pc-build-custom-how-to-asus-intel-geforce-cost…

  • Tabby’s Star

    Tabby’s Star, more correctly known as KIC 8462852,  is a very special and unique star.  After citizen scientists analyzed data from the Kepler space telescope, they discovered that it has a very unusual luminosity dimming pattern.  Up to 22% dimming of the star’s luminosity.  This amount of dimming does not correspond with other stars observed.  Why is this so unusual? The Kepler space telescope observes changes in the brightness of distant stars to detect exoplanets.  Launched on March 7, 2009 it surveys a portion of our region of the Milky Way to discover Earth-size exoplanets in or near habitable zones and estimate how many of the billions of stars in the Milky…

  • Election Day

    Today is election day in Ontario. I will be voting after work as usual and I am making my decision on the party leaders rather the local candidate.  I don’t even know the name of the person I am voting for.  MPPs are mostly ineffectual and they vote depending on how their leader tells them to. My ideal election process would be that there should be no political parties and that we vote for the local candidate and the Premier separately.  This would force you to make your decision based on the the issues and not with the us/them of party politics.  The election of the Premier should be based…

  • I’m Back !!!

    Now that work has calmed down and I have my weekends free, I will be able to spend more time this blog. Over the next while you will notice content and design changes throughout this site.  Any suggestions or comments are welcome. There are several new topics that I want to include on this site.  If anybody has anything they want to see just contact me via the Send Message page. I will get the registration page reactivated once I figure out how to stop unknown people from signing up and trying to hack my site.  If I know you personally and you want to sign up to make a…

  • Bedroom Cleanup

    Yesterday I reclaimed my bedroom.  Tore down the old bed frame, cleaned up and installed the new frame and mattress.  Once I finally got off my ass and started the work the job went very quickly. The new frame from Zinus was sturdy, light weight and easy to put together (no tools required).  It should be easy to pack for if/when I move.  The bed frame is 14″ tall and also works as a box spring mattress.  You place your mattress right on top of it. After the frame came the mattress.  The mattress was boxed and looked like a long sleeping bag when out of the box.  As per…